Apr 07, 2025
Committee Hearings
Human Services
3 p.m. or upon adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200
3 p.m. or upon adjournment of Session
1021 O Street, Room 2200
ADOPTION OF COMMITTEE RULES____________________MEASURES HEARD IN FILE ORDERMeasure:Author:Summary:S.B.No. 99Blakespear.Family childcare homes: United States Armed Forces.S.B.No. 290Smallwood-Cuevas.CalWORKs.S.B.No. 560Smallwood-Cuevas.Public social services.S.B.No. 433Wahab.Retirement care facilities for the elderly: assisted living waiver rental rate protection.S.B.No. 434Wahab.Residential care facilities for the elderly: housing protections.S.B.No. 435Wahab.Residential care facilities for the elderly: emergency backup power source.S.B.No. 444Hurtado.State Healthy Food Access Policy.S.B.No. 452Weber Pierson.Child welfare services: prevention legal services.S.B.No. 471Menjivar.Office of the Lanterman Ombudsperson.S.B.No. 624Caballero.Nonminor dependents: tax guidance.S.B.No. 748Richardson.Encampment Resolution Funding program: cars and recreational vehicles.S.B.No. 814Rubio.Homelessness.S.B.No. 412Limón.Home care aides.S.B.No. 778Limón.Migrant childcare and development programs.S.B.No. 739Arreguín.Disaster CalFresh: county resources: status.